Syphilis is curable.
For those who are sick with syphilis, do not worry. Because if the infection is detected in the early stages, it can be completely cure by taking penicillin antibiotics for 1-3 weeks. The treatment period depends on the stage of the disease. However, once cured, you should come back for another check-up every 3 months until 3 years have pass. Because there may be hidden infection and to be sure that you are completely cured of this disease.
However, we should get an internal examination, including a syphilis test, if we have had unprotected sex or if someone we have had sex with has syphilis. Normally, people of reproductive age should get tested for sexually transmit diseases about once a year and can ask the doctor whether we should get tested for syphilis or not, as a guideline for prevention and timely treatment if syphilis is found in the body.
Let’s learn about prevention of syphilis.
- Always use a condom during sex.
- You should not change your sexual partner frequently.
- If you are getting married, couples should get a blood test first. If someone is infecte. They can get a complete cure.
- If you suspect syphilis, you should see a doctor as soon as possible to receive timely treatment.
- Pregnant women should screen for syphilis during pregnancy.
- Always observe for any abnormalities in your body.
Miss Waen Sai would like to remind everyone. That don’t be shy to go for a vaginal examination or get tested for syphilis. Because it is something ufabet very close to us that we should not overlook. And Miss Waen Sai would like to warn you again: don’t change sexual partners often. Carry condoms with you if you don’t want to get a sexually transmitted infection.
Latent Syphilis
Latent syphilis is the third stage of infection. This “hidden” stage is noted for having few or no signs or symptoms.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Syphilis – CDC fact sheet (detailed).
The latent stage is further divided into two sub-stages:
- Early latent syphilis is the period within 12 months of the initial infection. As many as 1 in 4 people will experience a relapse of secondary syphilis during this stage.
- Late latent syphilis is when the infection occurred more than 12 months ago. This stage can last for years and even decades with no signs of disease.
While syphilis can be passed to another person during the early latent stage, it is less likely to be passed during the late latent stage.