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7-day challenge with celery vegetable.

7-day challenge with celery vegetable.

 It goes without saying that the health trend is currently taking over every corner. You will see that people of all genders and almost all ages are paying more attention and taking care of their health, including exercising, eating clean food, and drinking freshly squeezed or blended fruit juices to get the most benefits. For example, the trend that is coming now is drinking celery juice to flush out waste from the body. If anyone is a health conscious person or wants to start taking care of their own health, come and see how much celery can help with your health.

How about the Western vegetable?

      Celery (CELERY) or Western celery has a larger stem and leaf stalks than Chinese celery. It is a vegetable that provides low energy. The leaf stalks contain ยูฟ่าเบท a lot of water, have a slightly pungent smell, and contain insoluble dietary fiber. The water in the leaf stalks makes us feel full faster when eaten before a main meal or as a snack instead of snacks and desserts.

     100 grams of celery provides only 13 kilocalories of energy. It is suitable for people who want to control or lose weight. Celery is an insoluble fiber that increases the amount of dietary fiber in the intestines, helping us feel full longer and reducing hunger very well.

The health benefits of celery

Celery is a vegetable that contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body.

  • Calcium  : 100 grams of celery contains 40 milligrams of calcium, which helps nourish bones and teeth, relieves body aches and pains, and nourishes tendons and joints. It also helps prevent osteoporosis. Pregnant women and children with rickets should eat it as much as possible.
  • Potassium  Celery contains a high amount of potassium. The stems and leaves also have a mild diuretic effect, accelerating the process of eliminating waste from the body, especially uric acid that accumulates in the body, which is the cause of gout. It helps reduce water retention, reduces flatulence, and helps blood vessels expand, allowing blood to flow well to various parts of the body, especially the heart. And if the body receives a reasonable amount of potassium, it will help balance blood pressure levels. However, you should not receive more potassium than necessary, because it can cause kidney disease if our bodies cannot excrete it completely.
  • Beta-carotene  is an antioxidant that helps prevent the risk of heart disease and cancer, especially ovarian cancer. Beta-carotene, when broken down, becomes vitamin A, which helps with vision, making the eyes stronger. It also helps slow down the degeneration of the retina, reducing the degeneration of eye cells. And if celery is ground with oil, it will help stimulate beta-carotene to work more effectively.
  • Vitamin C  : Celery contains a very high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps stimulate the body’s immune system to be stronger, able to resist bacteria and viruses that cause disease. It helps prevent colds, allergies, bleeding gums, and helps nourish the skin to be radiant.
  • Sodium  in celery is an organic sodium that effectively balances the acidity and alkalinity of the blood. When the body maintains the acid-alkaline balance, it prevents kidney disease.
  • Apigenin  has the effect of reducing the amount of substances that cause inflammation, helping to feel relaxed, calm, and also helps to sleep well. It also has the effect of fighting free radicals, thus reducing the risk of cancer.